Stupidly simple python package to create interactive HTML frontends and dashboards !

🎉 Version 0.1.2 - Beta released, click to learn more

piesparrow delivers web native dashboards and frontend solutions out of the box.

It is built on top of Billboar.JS which is a robust javascript charting library while harnessing the power of custom built light weight CSS framework sparrow.css and data processing capabilities of Pandas

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Code in Python, present in HMTL !

Just import piesparrow into your python script and perform data processing through Pandas as usual. When you are ready to visualize, call the related functions from pieSparrow to design your interactive dashboards and compose the HTML files by running your parent script in Python.

Simple but flexible layouts

With the power of flexible grids having intuitive rows and columns structure, you can shape your dashboards how ever you want

Typography at your service

Write what you want the way you want, four heading sizes and optionality of strong text made simple

Built in Charts

piesparrow comes with the capability of charts through javascript out of the box, currently Bar, Line, Spline, Area, Pie and Donut charts are available alongside Gauge and KPI visual cards. We keep adding more chart type with new releases.

Light and Dark Themes with multiple color options

piesparrow have built in five color themes with both light and dark options, themes can also be customized using external CSS.